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This issue is filled with Santa fun, so look through and enjoy all of the photos.

Now to sad news, as I was working on this issue I heard of the tragic incident on the 309 Road, and I can’t finish this issue of the Chronicle without mentioning it.

While details are still unfolding, I acknowledge the courage and quick actions of those who responded immediately, providing first aid and support in extremely challenging circumstances. Their efforts reflect the strength and spirit of our community, even in the face of such tragedy. Despite their best efforts the man could not be saved, a second person was flown to Auckland Hospital with serious injuries.

My heart goes out to the families, friends, and community members affected by this tragedy. It’s a heartbreaking situation that has deeply impacted both the families involved and the wider community.


View the January issue here. 

Deadline for the February issue is 4pm on Tuesday 14 January

The purpose of the Coromandel Town Chronicle is to showcase the region and its people. The Coromandel Town Chronicle is open for everyone to contribute however the editor reserves the right to select the articles, advertisements and letters that are published in line with the Coromandel Town Chronicle's publication policy. All supplied articles will be proof read and edited for clarity and space.


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The Coromandel Town Chronicle is published by Jude Publishing Ltd. Up to 3100 copies are printed monthly and are distributed free to letterboxes in Coromandel town and by rural delivery from the Thames Coast to the top of the Coromandel Peninsula. It is also available free at peninsula information centres and Coromandel Town shops.

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